COVID-19 Circuit Breaker Measure

Dear Customers,

PM Lee announced on 3rd April 2020 that a “circuit breaker” measure will be implemented starting from 7th April 2020 till 4th May 2020 where most of the non-essential workplaces shall be closed. The CB measures also been extended till 1st June 2020 on 21st April 2020.

On 18 April 2020, MOM has released an advisory where all Construction Industry Work Pass and S Pass holders are to adhere to 14 days Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) from 20th April 2020, 00:00am till 4th May 2020, 11:59pm. On 1st May 2020, MOM had released a new advisory for extension of the SHN for another 14 days from 5th May 2020 till 18th May 2020. This means Sky Breeze Aircon Experts will not be attending to your aircon needs during this period of time. However, our online booking is still available and you can schedule for aircon repair or maintenance service from 19th May 2020 onward.

All our office staff will work from home at this time so your emails, calls and chats will still be answered. Customers can also schedule services from the 5th May onward on our online booking platform.

COVID 19 Update

For you and for our technicians’ safety, we have taken the precautions as following:

  1. Our technicians are living in private accommodation with 2 person per room.
  2. All our technicians been educated and briefed on the risk and understand the severity of COVID-19.
  3. We have make it compulsory for all our technicians to wear the face masks during their working time and clean their hands with hand sanitizer.
  4. All our technicians to take their body temperature readings twice a day.
  5. To keep a 1 meter physical distancing with others during their service and transit.
  6. To reduce contact between our technicians and customer, we do accept bank transfer or PayNow.
  7. We assure that we will maintain our price and fight together with all of you during this hard times.

We urge all our customer to play your part to keep us safe too:


1.       Please delay and reschedule services if you or your family have recently travelled, under Leave of Absence (LOA), received a Stay Home Notice (SHN) or Quarantine Order (QO) from Ministry of Health (MOH) or may have been exposed to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) or have any flu, fever, cough like symptoms.



2.       Please stay safe, stay home and help out your fellow friends and neighbours in this time of uncertainty and need. We are always looking for ways to provide help and services to our local community. If there is any way we could be of assistance please feel free to reach out to us.


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